We make life meaningful
by making work meaningful

This is our Vision. Our ultimate destination. This is why Storytell exists.

We've created SmartChat™, the enterprise Collaborative Intelligence Platform so cross-functional teams can gain and share collective intelligence through natural language conversations with their data, with the right information and insights always at their fingertips.

  • Instantly surface the expertise and information hidden within your organization, making every employee an expert.
  • SmartChat™ acts as an intelligent layer on top of your organization’s data, amplifying the collective brainpower of the workforce.
  • Capture and preserve your organization’s institutional memory, ensuring that valuable knowledge and expertise are never lost — even after employees leave.

Below is our Mission. It's how we are achieving our Vision:

Storytell helps you distill signal from noise.

The early 2020s saw the rise of GenAI. What comes next is DistillAI, a new AI category created by Storytell.

DistillAI is AI technology that helps people separate signal from noise, turning the tumultuous tsunami structured and unstructured data in enterprises into understandable, navigable and actionable streams of knowledge that help humans be more effective.

Storytell is an enterprise AI SaaS platform built on a proprietary DistillAI algorithm for cross-functional teams to get their jobs done more effectively than they could on their own.

Story Tiles™: The building blocks of Storytell

Everything you experience with Storytell is powered by Story Tiles.™ A Story Tile™ is the smallest "atomic unit" of a piece of content -- a discrete concept that we package up with metadata into a Story Tile.™

Think of a Story Tile™ as an individual frame in the Peanuts cartoon below. When you zoom out, you can see the big picture is comprised of many small frames.

In the same way, longer-form content (a one hour YouTube video, a long article, a business contract, a long email thread, a 90 minute Zoom meeting, etc) is comprised of many individual Story Tiles.™ By creating and recommending these valuable Story Tiles,™ we are able to distill signal from noise for you in valuable ways.

We produce Story Tiles™ by using a proprietary Mercury AI Algorithm.

Below is our Strategy. It's what we are doing to realize our Vision:

We are making AI accessible to employees while making AI safe for employers
  • AI is the first time computers are learning to speak human vs. humans having to adapt to computer interfaces (GUIs, keyboards, screens, code, etc).
  • Knowledge workers are overwhelmed by this AI tsunami — they’re enthusiastic and energized about using AI in their daily workflows but they don’t know where to start.
  • Storytell makes AI "just work" for knowledge workers and cross-functional teams to help them get their Jobs to be Done... done.
We measure Storytell's "Effective Reach"

This is our North Star Metric.

We use this formula to measure the success of our Mission in achieving our Vision:

Effective Reach = Total Reach x Effective Ratio

Total Reach:


Effective Ratio:

Our Unique Insights:

Knowledge workers who partner with AI to get jobs done will outperform those who don’t.

​"The first thing everyone should do is learn to use AI so they can augment their own productivity"
- Jensen Huang, NVIDIA

Storytell's enterprise AI SaaS platform is built to work out of the box for any enterprise knowledge worker and their cross-functional teams.

"Every business is already a language business. Every flow is a language flow."
- Greg Brockman​, OpenAI

Each job a Knowledge Worker has to get done follows a process with repeatable steps that can be augmented with DistillAI and automated. We call these “Workstreams”.

​We focus on building our platform for to work best for cross-functional teams who greatly benefit by partnering with AI and are excited to do so, and have budgets to work more effectively with AI tooling.